Want to help?

The association has always needed face-to-face or distance volunteers. The missions are very varied and no special skills are needed to help:

volunteer bénévolat

↣ Holding of the awareness stand during various events where we are organizers or guests
↣ Co-animation of the street-art café
↣ Graphic creation (posters for example)
↣ Assistance artistic
↣ Accommodation for artists
↣ Security and animation at the chalk festival 
↣ Writing thematic articles on street art in the region
↣ Written or oral translation
↣ Creation of educational tools
↣ Dissemination of communication tools (display, post FB, Instagram etc.)
↣ Help with the preparation of inaugurations
↣ …

recouvrement wanjah
stand unwhite it


Friend, colleague, social media, web research, …
Unwhite it is required to produce (directly or through a partner) photographs, videos or sound recordings on which you may appear. These documents thus created are intended to be shared on the association’s website, its social networks or in the press as part of its communication. These documents are not intended for commercial use. For this, your agreement is necessary.

After studying your application, we will get back to you very quickly.

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